Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

5 Blog Strategies to Fuel List Growth

It's tried, true, and tested. Writing consistently on your blog is one of the best ways to...

Increase audience engagement and your own authority
Grow a bigger following through SEO and list growth
Sell more products and services (cha-ching!)

However, that's easier said than done. Writing regularly takes time, effort, and practice.

Here are 5 strategies to make regular blogging easier and more effective:

1. Prevent writer's block. The worst feeling in your workday is when you don't have anything to write about. Prevent that feeling by thinking about your audience. What do they get excited about? What stresses them out? What are they afraid of? What expertise do you have that would help them? That's what you should write about. Keep a list of those topics and then use these free tools to help with inspiration:

Portent's Content Idea Generator
HubSpot's Blog Topic Generator
BuzzSumo Top Content

2. Use a production calendar. Plan time each week on your regular calendar to focus on your blog, and plan out blog posts a few weeks ahead (at least). When you map it out on a calendar, you can have future posts rolling around in your head. So once you sit down to actually write, half the work will already be done for you. Plus, you're more likely to stick to it if you have it on your calendar.

3. Make your blog reader-friendly. This has two parts. First, present your content in a way that's highly readable using bullets or lists, highlighted text, and eye-catching images. Or go even further - do a video blog or podcast instead if that's what you and your audience enjoys. Second, your blog needs to be a brand that people want to invest their time into following. Keep it positive, entertaining, and reflective of your personality.

4. Optimize your blog. Make sure your blog is easily sharable with social media buttons on the page (and email version) of each post. Keep a sign up form for your email list somewhere on the page of each blog post. Make sure headlines are click-worthy. Link within each blog post to a call to action or another blog post. Last but not least, test different options for each to see if they result in more clicks, more sign ups, and ultimately, more clients and customers.

5. Outsource. The easiest way to grow your audience using your blog? Hire an expert team to do it for you in half the time it takes you. The best part about hiring the right team to take on your blog growth is that it frees up your time to do what you do best. Want to talk about how fast and easy it can be to grow your email list or blog following? Schedule a complimentary call with me today!

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR NEWSLETTER? You can. Just be sure to include this blurb: Tracey Osborne is an expert Project Manager and Virtual Assistant. As CEO of Business Solutions Made Simple, a multi-VA company, Tracey and her team who assist high achieving entrepreneurs in surpassing their goals by managing the behind the scenes operations. By removing the stress of daily operations, Tracey and team allows her clients the focus and freedom to do whatever it is that they do best... thus resulting in heightened profit and growth. Grab her FREE audio, The Busy Entrepreneur's Secret Weapon at http://www.businesssolutionsmadesimple.com/the-busy-entrepreneurs-secret-weapon-4

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tracey_Osborne

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